Carol Dolderson
Clinical Pharmacist
What I Do
I work with patients and staff in all practices across the network. I visit care homes to carry out in-depth medication reviews with residents.
As a clinical pharmacist, my role is to help people get the most out of their medications through understanding what matters most to them.
I check if medications are safe and effective, and in line with current guidelines. It's really important to me to find out how people feel about the medication they take and how they manage with their medication day-to-day.
How I Support Patients
I have a particular focus on care home patients and people who take multiple regularly prescribed medications.
During in-depth reviews, I have the time to take a holistic look at a person’s overall health, how they are coping with their medication, and make adjustments to maximise it.
This is especially important for people with more than one long term condition or who have complex medicine routines with multiple prescriptions.
Get in touch
When medication reviews are due, we will contact you to book an appointment. Questions or queries about your medication can also be passed on to me through staff at your GP practice.