Do I need to sign up to use it, and how long does it take?
Yes, but it’s easy, just enter your name, date of birth, postcode and contact details. You can set up an account and be ready to send a request in minutes.
Yes, but it’s easy, just enter your name, date of birth, postcode and contact details. You can set up an account and be ready to send a request in minutes.
Any Doctor who is working that day, but please be aware that not all Doctors will be available every day. If you’d rather wait for your Doctor to be available, you can see when they are next in.
You can describe your issue in your own words. There are a few questions to prompt you and the more information you give, the easier it will be for the Doctor. We may send you a message asking for more information if needed.
We will aim to reply as quickly as possible, usually within a few hours. If it’s outside our opening hours, we will get back to you the next working day.
You can check which Doctors are available at this link. If your preferred Doctor isn’t working, you can send a request to another Doctor, or use the Staff Availability page to see when they will next be in.
Yes, the system is secure. All information is held, encrypted, within the NHS’s computer network.
Not quite, they are hosted within the system to keep them secure. You’ll get a notification that a new message is ready for you, just log in to see it.
No, they are separate systems. You will need to create a new account to use askmyGP. You cannot use ‘SystmOne’ or NHS App login details.
Each patient needs to have a unique email address, you can easily set up a new email address with many services. You can also specify that you are contacting us on behalf of someone else.
No problem, call the Reception Team and they’ll submit a request for you. It will then go into the same system, so everyone is treated equally.