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World Autism Acceptance Week

World Autism Acceptance Week This week is World Autism Acceptance Week. The annual event has been running since 2007 when it was first launched as Autism Awareness Week. The aim is to help more people understand autism and what living with the condition means for the 700,000 autistic adults and children in the UK. We … Continued

Gosforth and Jesmond Community Groups Spring 2023

Details of Community Group Dates run by Mental Health Concern this Spring Here are the upcoming dates and locations for the Community Peer Support groups, run by Mental Health Concern on behalf of our Primary Care Network. All groups are free to attend. Group Information Location Dates Time Arts and Crafts All abilities welcome, a … Continued

Merger Update: Application, what you told us and next steps

Merger Update: Application, what you told us and next steps We can confirm that on Friday 10th March, the official application to merge Jesmond Health Partnership and Avenue Medical Practice was submitted to NHS England. An important part of the application was for us to share with NHS England what you told us during the … Continued

Make No Smoking Day 2023 the day you quit for good

Make No Smoking Day 2023 the day you quit for good The message on No Smoking Day 20233 is this: today is the day to give up smoking for good. While quitting can feel stressful in the short term, research shows that once you’re past the withdrawal stage, your mental health also improves. Today is … Continued

March is Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month

Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month Every two hours, a woman in the UK dies from Ovarian Cancer. March is Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month, so we wanted to share some facts and figures about the disease and why spotting the symptoms early is so important. What you need to know You can read through or jump to … Continued

Reminder: Patient Drop-in events at Jesmond Library

Reminder: Patient Drop-in events at Jesmond Library A reminder that all patients are invited to attend drop-in events at Jesmond Library to find out more about the proposed merger of Avenue Medical Practice and Jesmond Health Partnership. Drop-in Events Both events will be held at Jesmond Library. Saturday 25th February, 11.30 am to 3.00 pm … Continued

Do you know what to do when you are unwell?

Do you know what to do when you are unwell? It’s not always easy to know what to do when we are unwell. We’ve put together a video guide and interactive decision tree to show that by answering some simple questions, you can get to the help you need quickly. Watch the video guide, try … Continued