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While summer might only just be behind us, it’s never too early to start thinking about protecting ourselves from the risk of flu this Autumn and Winter.

We’ll be holding flu vaccinations clinics in October, and want to make sure everyone has the chance to get one. 

Flu can be particularly nasty and unpredictable, and getting vaccinated is the best way to defend yourself against it. It can’t 100% guarantee you won’t get it, but the vaccine greatly reduces your chances of being ill, and the severity if your unlucky enough to.

And many people are eligible for a free flu vaccine, as the NHS routinely offers them to:

  • adults 65 and over
  • people with certain medical conditions (including children in at-risk groups from 6 months of age)
  • pregnant women
  • children aged 2 and 3 on 31 August 2019
  • children in primary school
  • frontline health or social care workers

If someone is generally healthy, flu usually lasts up to a week but for the people mentioned above it can be much more serious, which is why we strongly encourage getting vaccinated.

For those aged 65 and above, we have two Saturday clinics on 5th October at no.200, and the following week on the 12th October at no.17. 

These sessions will run for 8.30am to 12pm, and there is no need to book.

More clinics are being scheduled throughout October, so for those not aged 65 or above, stay tuned for details of how to book your appointment.

The dates, times and locations will be shared on our website and social media accounts, as well as being displayed in our waiting rooms.

Remember, the sooner you get vaccinated, the lower your chances of getting ill.