Even against the backdrop of the previous couple of years, the last six months have been exceptionally busy at JHP, with lots of changes to tell you about.
Back in the autumn, our Practice Manager Vicky Watson shared an update on some upcoming changes that would allow us to adapt and develop for the future.
With those changes now in place, there are lots of new staff to introduce you to and departing team members for us all to say goodbye to.
We have also had a change in structure to our non-clinical team and I am very pleased to have been promoted to Assistant Practice Manager.
My responsibilities now include the Reception team and the Secretarial and Administration teams, and I hope I will be able to ensure the non-clinical side of your experiences as patients run as smoothly as possible.
The GP Team
In our GP team, we have said goodbye to Doctors Kate Sutton and Kavitha Ramakrishnan, who have moved on to new opportunities.
Since last summer, we have welcomed four fantastic new GPs to our team.
Dr Shiva Sharma, Dr Mie Maxwell-Smith, Dr Elizabeth Toberty and Dr Heather Garthwaite complete our salaried GP team, joining Dr Katie Rinne.
We also have Dr Ihuoma Emeronye and Dr Ali Igredibbo, GP Registrars and Dr Thomas Kay, our F2 Doctor.
The Nursing Team
We said goodbye to Practice Nurse Pip Wigglesworth and welcome Healthcare Assistants Diane Hart and Karen Wandless. We thank Pip for her years of service and wish her the best for the future.
Advanced Practitioners
A warm welcome to Lyndsay Murray, who joins the team as an Advanced Paramedic Practitioner. Working with Toni Harkness, Lyndsay will provide same-day assessments and care to patients. We said goodbye to Nurse Practitioner Sabrina Smith in March.
The Admin and Secretarial Teams
Brenda Lonsdale and Claudia Tomkys are new to the team and are working as Locum Secretary and Administrator, respectively.
Filling a role Vicky mentioned in her autumn update is Kiranjeet Singh, who joins us as a Social Prescriber. Kiran’s role is to connect people to internal and external support for non-medical issues, focusing on helping people use the increasing number of excellent digital services on offer.
Staying in touch and sharing your feedback
At JHP, we are big believers in being open and accountable to you, so please continue to give feedback on your experiences and let us know how we are doing.
The best way to do this is through the NHS Friends and Family Test. All feedback, both positive and where you would like to see improvement, helps us understand how our services are received and make the changes patients want.
You can also leave reviews about your experiences at JHP through Facebook, Google and the NHS website.
The best way to stay in touch with all the latest health news, JHP updates and news from across the Jesmond Lower Gosforth Primary Care Network is to follow our Facebook and Twitter accounts.