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We Are Closed

You’ll have no doubt heard discussions recently about the use of face masks and other items covering your nose and mouth. 

We thought it would be useful to set out what the guidance is generally, and specifically here at JHP. It’s important to note here we are talking about fabric coverings, not Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) being used by healthcare workers. 

Do masks work? 

The purpose of a facial covering is to act as a barrier to stop potentially infectious droplets spreading to other people. Their main purpose is to stop the wear spreading infection to others.  

While wearing masks is not a complete solution, combined with maintaining social distancing – staying 2 metres away from other people when outside your home – and regular and thorough handwashing, the spread of the illness can be reduced. 

 The World Health Organisation (WHO) recommends that Government encourage the use of non-medical masks in public places. 


We require all patients who come to the practice to wear something covering their nose, mouth and chin. This can be a mask, scarf, handkerchief or any sort of fabric. 

If you have a scheduled appointment with us, please make sure you are wearing a mask or other facial covering. This is both for your safety and ours.  

As previously, our clinical staff will be wearing PPE, and any non-clinical staff will also be wearing face coverings if they are in areas where there are also patients. 

Once you have checked into your appointment, if you prefer you can wait in your car. We will ring you when the clinician is ready for you.

And a reminder that any samples buy need to give us must be dropped off at No 17 – please do not go to No 200.

Where else should masks be worn? 

From 15th June, masks or other facial coverings must be worn on all public transport in England. You may be refused access to public transport and risk a £100 fine if you do not wear one. 

With more shops reopening, it’s also recommended that masks are worn in other public places where the 2 metre distance may not always be possible. 

The WHO has useful information here about the use and care of fabric masks.