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We Are Open

We understand people are concerned about the spread of coronavirus in the UK.

We want to let all patients know about the steps we are taking and plans we are putting in place, and what you as patients can do to help keep yourselves and those around you safe.

You can read our full patient briefing by clicking here, but these are the main points we want you to know:


  • For most patients Coronavirus will be a mild illness.
  • Self-isolate if mild illness with a fever or cough.
  • You can access the most of the up-to-date information via NHS 111.
  • Contact 111 if deteriorating and you are concerned regarding Coronavirus or 999 if severely unwell.
  • We are increasing our telephone capacity to be able to provide advice where needed. Patients should call for advice rather than attending the practice without an appointment.
  • We are reducing routine face to face work in the practice to avoid well patients coming into contact with patients who may have coronavirus.
  • We will try to do as many routine reviews via telephone.
  • All unwell/urgent work will be done at 200 Osborne Road.

[icon name=”file-pdf-o” class=”” unprefixed_class=””] Coronavirus: Patient Briefing